Business Optimization

Business Optimization is a systematic process of planning, integrating, coordinating and executing all dimensions of enterprise activities for best-possible mission-focused results. It is a sub-field of management science. The purpose of Business Optimization is to answer the basic question “What do we need to do to earn best-possible profits under continually changing market conditions?” As a practical field of management Business Optimization is both a science and an art.

In the end, the best practice for business optimization is a thorough understanding of what true optimization looks like.

Business Optimization defines 5 types of resources: Capital, Procurement options, Sales opportunities, Production capabilities, and Information.

In the end, the best practice for business optimization is a thorough understanding of what true optimization looks like. It’s not guesses. It’s not whim, or thoughtless cuts and expenditure increases. Real optimization happens when an organization takes a step back, gathers in data from top to bottom, and uses that data to improve the whole.

  • Industry Benchmarking
  • Eliminating redundancies
  • Streamlining workflows
  • Improving communication
  • Forecasting changes
  • Quality control
Process Analytics
  • Design strategy
  • Systems design
  • Product development strategy
  • Product development roadmap
  • Documentation & certification
IOT Services
  • Unique Identifiers
  • Human-to-computer Interaction
  • RFID tags for facilitating routing,inventorying, and loss prevention
  • Collecting and sharing data
Lorawan Network Services
  • Successful Deployment
  • Wireless Communication Technologies
  • End-to-end Security, Mobility and Localization Services
  • Personal Area Network
  • Documentation and Certification
Business Optimization
  • Industry Benchmarking
  • Eliminating redundancies
  • Streamlining workflows
  • Improving communication
  • Forecasting changes
  • Quality control
Technology Guidance
  • User Experience
  • Research and development
  • Internal development resources
  • Technology architecture
  • Intellectual property protection
  • Framework for Product/Market fit
Funding & Investment
  • Financial analysis
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Exit strategy development
  • Other potential sources of investment

Westgate Technologies Process

Investigation & Understanding
  • Begin with the end in mind. Reverse engineer the desired end result.
  • Develop a high-level understanding of the vision for company evolution and the final exit strategy.
  • Shareholder goals/insights and alignment.
  • Technology roadmap.
  • Business optimization plan.
  • Resource assessment.
Research & Discovery
  • Expert audits and insights.
  • Competitive analysis.
  • Technology assessment.
  • Customer insights (if available).
Deliver & Integrate
  • Product roadmap.
  • Process improvement.
  • Milestone roadmap and deliverables.
  • Systems in place.
  • Exit plan aligned with action plan.

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