Unlike other consulting companies that just provide advice, Westgate Technology Corp. has the experience and resources to bring your project through the entire life cycle from inception to market commercialization.
The relationship between company management and the leadership consultant is an intimate one. Like any productive partnership, it is built on a foundation of trust and integrity.
Westgate Technology Corp understands there is a lot at stake. Your hard-earned money and/or the money of others. Your family’s financial well being. The pride in building something that is accepted by the marketplace and potential investors.
Navigating acquisition offers is another thorny challenge that founders can face. There are several uncertainties swirling around. Should you sell or forge ahead hoping for an even bigger outcome down the line? Who should you sell to? What will life after acquisition look like?
Westgate Technology Corp has a distinct process (see below) providing trusted and authentic focus throughout the entire evolution of your dream. This process helps you define the functional and emotional needs of your customers to deliver a truly unique user experience.
Growing up in Romania in a family of teachers engrained Alex with several important lessons: One, education and knowledge were the key to a better future. Two, western philosophies and self-determination were a much better fit for his personality and spirit.
It was these core values that would be the roadmap he followed as he would become a dedicated entrepreneur and eventually founded Westgate Technology Corporation, which stands for “Gateway to the West”.
Alex now uses his unique understanding of technology development and business processes to assist companies in developing new products, optimize their internal processes or otherwise position themselves for success.
Alex Doaga – Founder & President of Westgate Technology Corp.